Thank you for your interest in contacting the European Union for Bird Ringing. EURING co-ordinates bird ringing throughout Europe while the operation of bird ringing within individual countries is the responsibility of our member schemes.
If you wish to report a ringed bird that you have sighted or found please do so via our website .
If you have resighted a colour-marked bird then it is usually best to report your sighting to the project co-ordinator directly. Information on colour marking projects and links to project co-ordinators is available at the CR-Birding website.
If you wish to contact the ringing scheme in an individual country, either to volunteer or to find out about their activities, then you will find their contact details on these pages.
For enquiries specifically about he work of EURING please use this email link, or just email enquiries at Your message will be sent to the EURING General Secretary.
Individual contact details for EURING Board members are availabe here.
Individual contact details for members of EURING Committees are available here.